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FPGA in Aerospace: Meeting Industry Need

18 July 2024

Overview of FPGA Technology in Aerospace

In the rapidly advancing aerospace industry, Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and other advanced technologies play a critical role in enhancing performance and ensuring reliability. FPGA in Aerospace the flexibility and adaptability required to meet the stringent demands of aerospace applications, from avionics to satellite communications.

This blog explores the multifaceted applications of FPGAs in the aerospace sector, highlighting their roles in various systems and the unique design considerations necessary for aerospace applications. We will also delve into real-world case studies showcasing innovative solutions and compliance with industry standards.

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Understanding FPGA in Aerospace

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Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are essential in the aerospace industry due to their flexibility and high performance. Unlike traditional fixed-function integrated circuits, FPGAs can be reprogrammed to perform various functions after manufacturing, making them ideal for applications requiring adaptability and precision.

Definition and Importance of FPGA in Aerospace

FPGAs are semiconductor devices with programmable logic blocks and reconfigurable interconnects. This architecture allows them to execute complex processing tasks, providing versatility in aerospace applications. Their reprogrammable nature enables design iterations and upgrades without new hardware, offering significant cost and time savings.

Advantages of Using FPGAs in Aerospace

  • Flexibility and Reconfigurability: FPGAs can be reprogrammed to adapt to new requirements or missions, making them highly versatile for aerospace applications.
  • High Performance: They offer superior processing power, essential for real-time data processing and complex computations in aerospace systems.
  • Reliability: Known for their reliability and robustness, FPGAs are crucial for the harsh and demanding environments encountered in aerospace operations.
  • Shorter Time to Market: The ability to update and iterate on designs quickly allows aerospace companies to bring their products to market faster.

Fidus Systems leverages extensive expertise in FPGA design to meet the unique demands of aerospace applications. By integrating advanced FPGA capabilities, Fidus ensures that aerospace systems benefit from enhanced flexibility, robustness, and rapid time-to-market, addressing the critical needs of modern aerospace operations. This seamless integration of FPGAs highlights Fidus’ commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions tailored to the rigorous standards of the aerospace industry.

Key Applications of FPGAs in Aerospace

FPGAs are versatile and crucial in various aerospace applications, offering the adaptability and performance necessary for demanding environments. Their reprogrammable nature allows for continuous updates and improvements, making them indispensable in aerospace technology.


In avionics, FPGAs are used for complex signal processing tasks, including radar systems, communication interfaces, and flight control systems. Their ability to handle real-time data processing and high-speed communication ensures that avionics systems remain reliable and efficient. Fidus Systems’ expertise in FPGA design ensures that these applications are optimized for performance and reliability, meeting the stringent requirements of the aerospace industry.



FPGAs play a vital role in satellite technology, from data handling and processing to communication systems. Their radiation tolerance and ability to operate in harsh space environments make them ideal for satellite applications. Fidus Systems aims to leverage radiation-hardened FPGA technology to ensure the longevity and reliability of satellite systems, providing robust solutions for space missions.

Radar and Defense Systems

Radar and defense systems benefit significantly from the high processing power and flexibility of FPGAs. These systems require rapid data processing and the ability to adapt to new threats and conditions. FPGAs enable real-time signal processing and data analysis, crucial for effective radar and defense operations. Fidus Systems designs FPGA solutions that enhance the performance and responsiveness of these critical systems, ensuring they meet the high standards of the aerospace and defense sectors.

Learn more in this whitepaper on cost-effective FPGA-based architecture for multi-channel FMCW radar systems in ADAS, focusing on high-bandwidth DDR DRAM interfaces and essential processing algorithms for accurate object detection and tracking.

Airborne Search and Rescue Systems

In search and rescue operations, FPGAs are used to develop advanced communication and tracking systems. These systems require high reliability and the ability to process large amounts of data quickly. Fidus Systems’ FPGA designs for search and rescue applications ensure that these systems are robust and capable of operating in challenging environments, enhancing the effectiveness of search and rescue missions.

By leveraging the capabilities of FPGAs, Fidus Systems provides tailored solutions that address the specific needs of various aerospace applications, ensuring high performance, reliability, and adaptability in some of the most demanding technological environments. For more detailed case studies and resources, visit the Fidus Resource Hub.

Design Considerations for Aerospace FPGA Applications

Designing FPGA applications for the aerospace industry involves addressing several unique challenges to ensure reliability, performance, and compliance with stringent industry standards. The following considerations are critical for successful FPGA deployment in aerospace systems.

Radiation Tolerance and Mitigation

Aerospace applications often operate in high-radiation environments, such as space. FPGAs must be designed to tolerate and mitigate radiation effects to ensure system reliability.

  • Single Event Effects (SEE) Immunity: SEE, including single event upsets (SEUs) and single event transients (SETs), can disrupt FPGA operations. Designing for SEE immunity involves using robust error detection and correction mechanisms.
  • Radiation-Hardened Technology: Using radiation-hardened FPGAs, such as those designed with antifuse technology or special radiation-hardened processes, can significantly reduce the risk of radiation-induced failures.
  • Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR): Implementing TMR in FPGA designs helps protect digital logic from SEUs by triplicating critical components and using majority voting to determine the correct output.
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Real-Time Data Processing

Aerospace systems require high-speed, real-time data processing to handle complex tasks such as radar signal processing, communication, and navigation.

  • Signal Processing Capabilities: FPGAs are well-suited for complex signal processing tasks, including Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs), filtering, and data compression. These capabilities are crucial for aerospace systems that rely on precise and efficient data handling.
  • High Bandwidth and Low Latency: FPGAs excel in real-time data processing due to their parallel processing and low latency, making them essential for rapid computation and data throughput.

For more information, read the case study on Solving Low-Latency, High-Bandwidth Data Acquisition and Storage for a High-Resolution Drone Camera System, where Fidus partnered with an aerospace client to manage high-bandwidth, low-latency image-sensor data acquisition and storage.

Reprogrammability and Flexibility

The ability to reprogram FPGAs after deployment is a significant advantage in aerospace applications, allowing systems to adapt to new requirements or missions without hardware changes.

  • Reprogrammable Logic: FPGAs can be updated and reconfigured to accommodate changes in mission parameters or to implement new algorithms, providing a flexible and future-proof solution.
  • Rapid Prototyping and Development: FPGAs enable faster development cycles compared to Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), allowing for iterative design and testing, which is particularly beneficial in the dynamic aerospace sector.

Security and Confidentiality

Ensuring the security and confidentiality of data and algorithms is paramount in aerospace applications.

  • Remote Configuration: Secure remote configuration capabilities allow FPGAs to be updated and maintained while protecting against tampering and cyber threats.
  • Secure Data Handling: FPGAs can incorporate encryption and secure boot mechanisms to protect sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access. For more information, read the blog on FPGA Security: Trends and Best Practices.

Environmental and Physical Considerations

Aerospace applications must withstand harsh environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures, high altitudes, and mechanical stress.

  • Harsh Environment Operation: Designing FPGAs to operate reliably under extreme conditions involves selecting appropriate materials and implementing robust thermal management and mechanical design strategies.
  • Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) Optimization: Minimizing size, weight, and power consumption is critical for aerospace applications. FPGAs must be designed to balance performance with SWaP constraints to meet the stringent requirements of aerospace systems.

Fidus Systems leverages its extensive expertise in FPGA design to address these unique challenges, ensuring that aerospace applications are reliable, secure, and performant. By integrating advanced FPGA capabilities and adhering to rigorous design standards, Fidus delivers solutions that meet the critical needs of the aerospace industry. For more insights into our design methodologies, visit the Fidus Design Services page.

Compliance and Standards for FPGA in Aerospace

Compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements is critical in aerospace applications to ensure safety, reliability, and performance. FPGAs used in aerospace must meet rigorous standards to be certified for use in these demanding environments.


Overview of Relevant Standards


  • Overview: DO-254, also known as Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware, is a key standard for the aerospace industry. It provides guidelines for the design, development, and testing of airborne electronic hardware to ensure safety and reliability.
  • Applicability: This standard is mandatory for all airborne systems and equipment that use electronic hardware, including FPGAs. Compliance with DO-254 is essential for certification by aviation authorities such as the FAA and EASA.

VITA Standards

  • Overview: VITA (VMEbus International Trade Association) standards, such as VITA 46 (VPX) and VITA 78 (SpaceVPX), are crucial for high-reliability and high-performance applications in aerospace. These standards define specifications for systems and components used in harsh environments.
  • Applicability: FPGAs designed for aerospace applications often need to comply with VITA standards to ensure interoperability, robustness, and performance in space and military applications.

IEC Standards

  • Overview: The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) provides a broad range of standards for electronic components and systems, including those used in aerospace. IEC standards ensure that electronic products meet safety, reliability, and environmental requirements.
  • Applicability: Compliance with IEC standards is important for aerospace FPGAs to ensure they meet global safety and performance benchmarks.

Qualification and Certification Processes

Meeting these standards involves rigorous qualification and certification processes. FPGAs used in aerospace applications must undergo extensive testing to ensure they comply with industry standards and can operate reliably in the harsh conditions typical of aerospace environments.

  1. Design Assurance: Implementing a design assurance process that aligns with DO-254 ensures that all design activities are documented, reviewed, and verified according to stringent guidelines. This process includes requirements definition, design capture, implementation, and verification.
  2. Verification and Validation: Rigorous verification and validation activities are essential to demonstrate compliance with applicable standards. These activities include simulation, testing, and analysis to verify that the FPGA design meets all specified requirements and performs reliably under expected conditions.
  3. Environmental Testing: FPGAs must be tested for their ability to withstand extreme temperatures, radiation, mechanical shock, and vibration. This testing ensures that the devices can operate reliably in the harsh environments encountered in aerospace applications.
  4. Documentation and Traceability: Maintaining comprehensive documentation and traceability throughout the design and development process is crucial for certification. This documentation provides evidence of compliance with industry standards and supports the certification process with aviation authorities.

Fidus Systems is well-versed in these standards and processes, ensuring that the FPGA solutions we develop meet all necessary regulatory requirements for aerospace applications. By adhering to these stringent standards, we help our clients achieve certification and ensure the safety and reliability of their aerospace systems.

Advanced Interface and Integration for FPGA in Aerospace

In aerospace applications, the integration of FPGAs with high-speed interfaces and various system components is crucial for achieving optimal performance and reliability. FPGAs must support advanced interfaces and provide seamless integration capabilities to meet the demanding requirements of aerospace systems.

High-Speed Interfaces

FPGAs are designed to handle multiple high-speed interfaces, which are essential for efficient data transfer and communication in aerospace applications.


  • Application: Ethernet is widely used in aerospace for network communication between systems. It supports high-speed data transfer, which is critical for real-time applications.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs can integrate Ethernet MAC (Media Access Control) and PHY (Physical Layer) components to provide robust Ethernet connectivity. They support various Ethernet standards, including Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet.

PCI Express (PCIe)

  • Application: PCIe is used for high-speed communication between processors and peripheral devices. It is essential for applications requiring fast data transfer, such as radar systems and data acquisition.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs offer built-in PCIe blocks that facilitate the implementation of PCIe interfaces. They support multiple lanes and various PCIe generations (Gen1, Gen2, Gen3, Gen4), ensuring high bandwidth and low latency.

Serial Links

  • Application: High-speed serial links are used for communication between different modules within an aerospace system. These links are crucial for data integrity and speed.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs support various high-speed serial protocols such as SATA, SRIO, and Aurora. They include transceivers capable of handling data rates of several gigabits per second, ensuring reliable and fast communication.

System Integration

Successful aerospace applications often require the integration of multiple functionalities on a single FPGA to reduce system complexity and improve performance.

Microprocessors and Memory Integration

  • Application: Combining microprocessors and memory within an FPGA helps in reducing the overall system footprint and improves data processing speeds.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs can integrate soft-core or hard-core processors (such as ARM Cortex cores) along with memory controllers for DDR3, DDR4, and DDR5. This integration supports high-speed data processing and efficient memory management.

Peripheral Interfaces

  • Application: Integrating various peripheral interfaces on the FPGA helps in connecting sensors, actuators, and other components essential for aerospace systems.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs provide interfaces for SPI, I2C, UART, and GPIO, enabling seamless connectivity with peripheral devices. This flexibility allows for the easy addition or modification of peripherals as required by the application.

System-on-Chip (SoC) Solutions

  • Application: SoC solutions integrate multiple system components into a single chip, reducing size, weight, and power consumption, which are critical factors in aerospace design.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs with SoC capabilities combine programmable logic with processors, memory, and I/O interfaces on a single device. This integration simplifies system design and enhances performance.

Fidus Systems excels in the integration of advanced interfaces and system components on FPGAs, ensuring that aerospace applications meet the highest standards of performance and reliability. By leveraging our expertise in high-speed interface design and system integration, we provide comprehensive solutions that address the complex requirements of modern aerospace systems.

Ensuring Reliability and Redundancy in FPGA for Aerospace

Reliability and redundancy are paramount in aerospace applications due to the critical nature of these systems. FPGAs used in aerospace must incorporate robust error detection and correction mechanisms, as well as redundancy strategies to ensure continuous operation and data integrity in harsh environments.

Error Detection and Correction

To maintain the integrity of data and functionality, FPGAs in aerospace applications must implement comprehensive error detection and correction techniques.

EDAC (Error Detection and Correction) Memories

  • Application: EDAC memories are essential for detecting and correcting single-bit errors and detecting multi-bit errors, which helps maintain data integrity.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs can incorporate ECC (Error-Correcting Code) memory controllers, which automatically detect and correct errors in stored data. This capability is crucial for preventing data corruption in aerospace systems.

Periodic Scrubbing

  • Application: Periodic scrubbing involves regularly checking and correcting errors in memory and configuration data to prevent the accumulation of errors over time.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs can be programmed to perform periodic scrubbing of configuration memory and data storage areas. This process ensures that transient errors are corrected before they can affect system operation.

Redundancy and Fail-Safe Operations

Redundancy and fail-safe mechanisms are critical for ensuring continuous operation and safety in aerospace applications.

Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR)

  • Application: TMR is a fault-tolerant design technique where three identical modules perform the same operation simultaneously. The output is determined by a majority vote, ensuring correct functionality even if one module fails.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs can implement TMR at various levels, including logic blocks, data paths, and entire systems. This approach enhances the reliability of critical functions in aerospace applications by providing fault tolerance against single-point failures.

Redundant Arrays and Components

  • Application: Redundant arrays and components provide backup in case of failure. For example, multiple sensors or communication channels ensure that the system remains operational if one fails.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs can manage redundant arrays of sensors, actuators, and communication interfaces. This redundancy ensures that a failure in one component does not compromise the entire system, maintaining operational integrity.

Fail-Safe Operation Modes

  • Application: Fail-safe operation modes ensure that the system can revert to a safe state in the event of a critical failure, preventing catastrophic outcomes.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs can be programmed with fail-safe operation modes, such as safe shutdown procedures or switching to backup systems. These modes are activated automatically in response to specific failure conditions, ensuring the safety and reliability of the aerospace system.

By implementing advanced error detection, correction, and redundancy strategies, Fidus Systems ensures that FPGA-based aerospace applications meet the highest standards of reliability and safety. Our comprehensive approach to reliability and redundancy helps aerospace engineers design systems that perform flawlessly in the most challenging environments.

Customization and Adaptability of FPGA in Aerospace

The ability to customize and adapt FPGA configurations is crucial for meeting the specific requirements of various aerospace applications. This flexibility allows aerospace systems to evolve with changing mission parameters and technological advancements.

Tailoring FPGA Configurations

Customized Algorithms and Logic

  • Application: Aerospace systems often require specialized algorithms for tasks such as cryptographic security, signal processing, and data compression.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs can be configured to execute customized algorithms and logic tailored to specific application needs. This capability enables the deployment of unique functionalities that meet stringent performance and security requirements.

Adaptive and Reconfigurable Computing

  • Application: The dynamic nature of aerospace missions necessitates the ability to update and reconfigure systems in response to new challenges and opportunities.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs support adaptive and reconfigurable computing, allowing them to be reprogrammed in situ. This flexibility reduces the need for hardware changes and enables rapid deployment of updated functionalities. For further details, explore our Technical Papers.

Rapid Prototyping and Development

The iterative nature of aerospace design benefits significantly from the rapid prototyping and development capabilities of FPGAs.

Faster Development Cycles

  • Application: Prototyping and testing new designs quickly is essential for keeping up with the fast-paced aerospace industry.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs allow for shorter development cycles compared to ASICs, enabling engineers to test and refine their designs swiftly. This capability is particularly beneficial for developing complex systems where iterative testing is crucial.

Flexible Development Platforms

  • Application: Using flexible development platforms helps in accommodating various design changes and updates throughout the development process.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs provide a versatile platform for development, allowing engineers to implement and test different configurations and functionalities easily. This flexibility accelerates the innovation process and helps in meeting project deadlines. For more insights, refer to the Fidus Embedded Software Services.

Security and Confidentiality

Ensuring the security and confidentiality of data and algorithms is paramount in aerospace applications.

Secure Data Handling

  • Application: Aerospace systems often handle sensitive and classified information, necessitating robust security measures.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs can incorporate encryption and secure boot mechanisms to protect sensitive data. This ensures that the information remains confidential and secure from unauthorized access. For more information, read our blog on FPGA Security: Trends and Best Practices.

Remote Configuration and Updates

  • Application: The ability to remotely update and configure aerospace systems enhances their operational flexibility and security.
  • FPGA Implementation: FPGAs support secure remote configuration, allowing updates to be deployed without physical access to the hardware. This feature is critical for maintaining system security and functionality in aerospace operations.

Case Study Highlights: Fidus Designs Solutions in Action

Real-world examples demonstrate the practical application of FPGAs in aerospace, showcasing how these versatile devices address specific challenges and requirements. Here are several case studies that highlight the innovative solutions provided by Fidus Systems.

Revolutionizing AIS Radio Design for Aerospace Applications

Objective: Develop a high-performance AIS (Automatic Identification System) radio design for aerospace applications.


An aerospace client aimed to develop a high-performance Automatic Identification System (AIS) radio design that could meet the rigorous demands of aerospace applications. The goal was to create a solution that combined advanced performance with robust remote management capabilities.

  • 133MHz, 64-bit PCI add-in card designed to PCI specifications.
  • Remote access control and maintenance capabilities.
  • Remote KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) services independent of host state.
  • Power architecture enabling seamless power source switching (PCI power, wall adapter, battery backup).
  • Integration of Intel® processor, Intel non-transparent bridge, and AMD/ Xilinx® FPGA.

Solution: Fidus Systems provided a robust FPGA design that met the stringent requirements for AIS radio applications in aerospace. The solution ensured high reliability, remote management, and efficient power usage, critical for aerospace operations. For more details on similar projects, refer to our Customer Case Studies.

Enhancing Search and Rescue Software for Improved Beacon Decoding

Objective: Enhance a search and rescue software package to improve beacon decoding and communication with authorities.


  • Staff augmentation needed due to limited internal expertise.
  • Requirement to fix existing issues in the first-generation product and develop the second-generation beacon.
  • Integration with Windows servers and traditional software development flow.

Solution: Fidus Systems provided experienced developers to augment the client’s team, addressing the technical gaps and improving the software package’s performance. The updated software ensured reliable beacon decoding and effective communication, crucial for search and rescue missions. Explore our approach to software development in the Embedded Software Services section.

Developing a Robust SDR for Spacecraft Communication

Objective: Develop a software-defined radio (SDR) for spacecraft communication with satellites.


  • Lack of in-house resources and skillset for SDR development.
  • Need for reliable communication in the harsh environment of space.

Solution: Fidus Systems utilized AMD/Xilinx RFSoC boards and MathWorks toolboxes to create a robust SDR solution. The design provided reliable communication capabilities, leveraging the flexibility and high performance of FPGAs. For more insights into our work with SDR, check out the Hardware Design Services.

Modifying Satellite Payload Designs to Address Circuit Changes

Objective: Modify existing satellite payload designs to address circuit changes and part obsolescence.


  • Need to update three layouts based on older designs (from 2011).
  • Integration of new parts and ensuring compatibility with existing systems.

Solution: Fidus Systems provided PCB layout and IC packaging expertise to modify the satellite payload designs. The updated designs incorporated new components and met the required specifications for modern satellite operations. For further reading, visit our PCB Layout and IC Packaging Services.

These case studies highlight the diverse applications of FPGAs in aerospace and the innovative solutions provided by Fidus Systems. By leveraging our extensive experience and technical expertise, we deliver customized, high-performance FPGA solutions that meet the stringent demands of aerospace applications.

Want to learn more about our portfolio experience?


Summarizing Key Points

In this blog, we explored the extensive applications and critical design considerations of FPGAs in aerospace. We delved into various key areas, including the integration of FPGAs in avionics, satellites, radar systems, and search and rescue operations. We also covered the unique design challenges such as radiation tolerance, real-time data processing, and compliance with stringent aerospace standards. Additionally, the importance of reliability, redundancy, and the ability to customize and adapt FPGA configurations for evolving aerospace requirements were highlighted.

Future Directions in FPGA in Aerospace

As technology advances, the future of FPGAs in aerospace will likely involve:

  • Enhanced Integration: Greater integration of high-speed interfaces and system components to meet increasing data processing demands.
  • Advanced Security Features: Embedding advanced security protocols directly into FPGA hardware to provide robust protection against evolving threats.
  • Real-Time Data Processing: Utilizing advancements in AI and machine learning to enhance the real-time processing capabilities of FPGAs, ensuring more efficient and reliable aerospace operations.

Through detailed case studies, we have showcased how Fidus Systems delivers innovative solutions that address the complex needs of modern aerospace applications. By leveraging our advanced design capabilities and industry knowledge, we help aerospace companies achieve their project goals efficiently and effectively.

If you have any questions or need assistance with your FPGA projects, book a consult at Fidus Systems for expert guidance and support. Our team is ready to help you navigate the complexities of FPGA design and ensure your aerospace applications meet the highest standards of performance and reliability.

Request a free FPGA project review now.

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